Sunday, January 27, 2008

Intuition - A pole star in times of uncertainty

The major hurdle in solving a complex problem is either the solution space is huge or the solution is not clearly visible. When the complexity of the problem increases one should go by intuition rather than by adopting a logical or thoroughly rationalistic approach. That in fact might be the most feasible approach and could reduce a lot of time and effort.

The method could be called as intuitive reasoning(Going by once gut feelings). Though intuitive approach sometimes appears irrational it is an inherently rationalistic one. As we do a task for a longer period of time or when we do it repetitively our sub conscious mind takes control of the activity. We tend to pick the right data from a vast set of data easily or we can relate an occurrence of a similar situation at a different time in a different field and so on.

Hence intuitive approach will be rewarding only when the method is applied with a certain amount of experience else the method could prove disastrous.

In the end I would like to say that intuition + conviction approach yields better results than an absolutely rationalistic approach for an uncertain situation or a complex problem.


aravindrao said...

logic relies on information... as the information to be considered grows (complexity as u call it), it becomes more and more difficult to find absolute information ... in an infinite universe logic fails and intuition is the only hope

but given strict constraints/rules within which to operate logic is very powerful ...

Kalpay said...

I know :). Hence, the reason I mentioned when the situation is really complex:)