Friday, December 26, 2008

Music to promote serenity in this chaotic world

I have observed that people who practice soft, light or classical music or at least who have a penchant for such music are generally peaceful by nature. I guess there is an implicit divine quality in such music that usually subdues the anger or violent behavior in an individual following/pursuing it.

I feel we could use this inherent power of music to promote peace/harmony in this chaotic world. If we can instill interest for music in children at a young or tender age I feel it could do wonders!!. I am saying this because its an observed fact that there are not many individuals in this world who are passionate about music and at the same time known for inhumane activities. I agree that people such as Beethoven were a bit irritable by nature but that was by no means extreme or violent

So, my appeal to the governments/authorities all over the world is to develop an education system that stresses and promotes such music among children . This could indirectly suppress the violent or extremist behavior in an individual or at least I feel people of such nature will not be easily lured or brain washed to spread dissonance/chaos in the world. The other added benefit of music is that it could in turn act as an antidote against terrorism and violence. Furthermore, research has shown that such music enhances creativity in an individual.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Growing Clones

We may have observed that most of our thoughts, feelings and ideas are so similar even though we may claim contrary to that. I remember a quote that stated that though we may think we are very different from each other but in reality we are dreadfully similar to one another. Although the emergence of similar thoughts is attributable to the physiology of us to a certain extent but most of this is related to the way we are brought up.

To make my view more clear let me draw an analogy. Consider a random generator (pseudo), although the system has ability to generate different numbers every time, the system fails in its functionality if the "same seed" is given as input. The case with us is also something similar. Though we have the ability to develop as very unique individuals our systems are not allowing this to happen in an efficient way. We are educated and equipped with the same methods . Moreover we have social pressure to conform to the norms or standards and we tend to treat a person as an outcast when his views are drastically different from that of the others.

The goal is to equip and encourage people with diverse views and thoughts. This would in turn help us to understand the complexities of the universe better and also would help us realize our full potential.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Game Theory works well at the work place too

The goal for each one of us at the workplace is simple. As managers not to have too much dependency on their subordinates and as subordinates to create maximum dependency of the superiors and peers on them. The organization can function well only if there is a balance between the two extremes.

The reasons are quiet obvious. For ex: If the manager tries playing the game extremely and will not allow any single person to work on a single project for sufficient amount of time and keeps switching them across projects then his subordinates will not be able to gain expertise and this will end up in a disaster for the company. In the same way if the subordinate plays the game in an extreme manner then too the result is the same, as he will end up losing his team spirit and will not share his knowledge and expertise with his peers.

The conclusion is simple both the players should play the game in a good spirit to reap the maximum benefits. In this way the two players will not only benefit themselves but could also help the organization reach its objectives.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Intuition - A pole star in times of uncertainty

The major hurdle in solving a complex problem is either the solution space is huge or the solution is not clearly visible. When the complexity of the problem increases one should go by intuition rather than by adopting a logical or thoroughly rationalistic approach. That in fact might be the most feasible approach and could reduce a lot of time and effort.

The method could be called as intuitive reasoning(Going by once gut feelings). Though intuitive approach sometimes appears irrational it is an inherently rationalistic one. As we do a task for a longer period of time or when we do it repetitively our sub conscious mind takes control of the activity. We tend to pick the right data from a vast set of data easily or we can relate an occurrence of a similar situation at a different time in a different field and so on.

Hence intuitive approach will be rewarding only when the method is applied with a certain amount of experience else the method could prove disastrous.

In the end I would like to say that intuition + conviction approach yields better results than an absolutely rationalistic approach for an uncertain situation or a complex problem.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Friendship [Dedicated to my beloved friends]

I always believe that a friend in need is a friend in deed. I am grateful to god that I have the company of two people who I believe belong to such echelons. They are in fact friends for my life.

Always value your friends. Good friends are hard to come by. Never take any friendship for granted. Relentless effort is required to maintain any good relationship. There should be minimal or no ego between friends. Besides, if u cannot be a good friend at least try maintaining a win-win policy, as for any relationship to last it has to be mutual. Don't u think "good friendship is one of the best investments one could ever make" ?.

So, if U already have a good friend be thankful to god and if U don't have one then there must be some inadequacy in U. Try figuring out your shortcomings by doing a little bit of introspection. I am sure U will be able to find the problem and solution for the same(Usually the source of the problem will be ego clashes or narrow mindedness or selfishness to name a few) .

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Judging People

I have this bad habit of judging people. I don't even spare myself in this aspect. I do a lot of introspection.

Judge people sparingly. This would benefit you in fact but don't become a critic. Critics have not and will not achieve anything big in their lives. Moreover, your life becomes miserable as a critic. As I read in one of the articles nothing is absolute and is subject to change over a period of time. No body is either absolutely good or bad. Never adopt a binary stand with respect to any person in life.

I hope this piece of advice will add value to your life.

No Dilemma

As long as you live in the competitive world there is no need to be a saint. Be as materialistic as possible. Don't try adopting a middle path. You will neither be here nor there. Once you become a saint then never get back to the materialistic world. By maintaining this binary stand you will not have any confusion. Moreover, initially you will be able to excel in this material world and later end your life in a peaceful way by becoming a saint.